
Artificial Intelligence In Blockchain

Artificial Intelligence In Blockchain

Man-made brainpower aka Artificial Intelligence has been intriguing to the human creative ability since the term was first utilized by the primary sci-fi scholars. The underlying foundations of the idea of “computerized reasoning” must be looked for somewhere down in the old world, where fables, legends and fantasies in pretty much every culture talked about […]

Deploy ERC20 token on rinkeby network

This article will teach you how to deploy your ERC20 token on to the Ethereum Rinkeby TestNet but in order to understand this article, You first need to understand what are smart contracts? What are ERC20 Tokens? What is Ethereum ? What is metamask ?. If you understand all this then you are at the […]

Introduction To Tron And TRX

Tron (TRX) is a controversial blockchain platform that isn’t shy to be a part of the headlines nearly every month. Wether that is a positive head line or a negative one that’s for the readers to decide. Tron is a blockchain platform that was launched as the foundation for a decentralized entertainment industry. Created by […]

When not to use blockchain

Blockchain is the one of the most hyped developer technology these days. It can be a life saver for you but there are some cases in which it can do more harm than good. To decide that whether it is the right technology for you business model or not is totally up to you but […]

What are Dapps? A detailed explaination of Blockchain Dapps.

You came here to understand what are Dapps. Dapps stand for “distributed applications“. Imagine living in a world where when you aren’t using your computer; But someone else is using your processing power and paying you for it. Imagine you getting dropped off at work by your car and then your car is remotely used […]

Introduction to Hyperledger Composer

Hyperledger Composer is a framework for making applications on the blockchain, easier. It was designed to make the lives of developer easier. Hyperledger Composer is an open source product of the linux foundation. Composer gives you the ability to model you business network and deploy it in a blockchain solution in weeks rather than in […]

Hyperledger composer REST API takes 2 seconds to insert a single record.

Hyperledger Composer is an open tool and a framework for making applications on the blockchain, easier. Composer gives you the ability to model you business network and deploy it in a blockchain solution in weeks rather than in months. Hyperledger Composer: Composer gets you up and running with REST API’s for you to integrate your […]

Smart Contracts – What are they and how will this effect us?

Among the huge list of features in blockchain, the one that stands out – because of its decentralization – is the concept of smart contracts. Blockchain has been defined so perfectly by Don & Alex Tapscott, authors Blockchain Revolution (2016). They said, “The blockchain is an incorruptible digital ledger of economic transactions that can be programmed […]

Blockchain and Intellectual Property. Can this be the Solution?

IP or intellectual property refers to anything created using one’s intellect such as a poem, an art, a business plan, inventions and so on. IP is protected by laws in the form of patents, trademarks and copyrights, which help the owner to earn recognition and financial benefits from their creations. Today we will discuss how […]

Hyperledger fabric chaincode basics

Smart Contracts are becoming increasingly popular everyday because of their automated nature. In Hyperledger Fabric terms, Smart Contracts are referred to as Hyperledger Fabric Chaincode. And developers have the option to write their chaincode logic in either Golang, NodeJS, or Java. It is important to note that in order to build a complete blockchain-based application, […]